Download from privateLINE
(Not Tracked)

Tired of Being Tracked?

  • Communicate freely on a private network without tracking or data collection using our secure messenger for chats and calls.
  • Protect valuable communications and file transfers with confidence using strong end-to-end encryption
  • Create any group, personal or professional with all the features you need.

privateLINE App Features & Benefits


... your family, group or business with greater privacy, security and reliability with your own private network isolated from the internet.


... in a legal and private enclave where Big Tech can’t track you or collect any of your data.


... already used by millions for collaboration with group text and calling, video meetings, sharing of screens, files and whiteboards.


... like malware, viruses, spam, phishing and spying. These can’t reach our private network.


... with just a few clicks. No need to modify your network. Just add privateLINE for more secure communications.


... have private networks. This capability is now available to businesses and groups of any size, at an affordable price with a few clicks.

Privacy comparison

( data from the Apple App Store June 11, 2024)

privateLINE Comms

No Data Collected

The developer does not collect any data from this app.


Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:


Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:


Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

Why you should get privateLine today!

No Data Collection

You and your data never touch the public internet or phone system, where you are tracked, attacked and your data is collected.

Bank Grade Security

Our data centers are “bank grade” in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) with a similar level of security used to protect the most important comms by corporations and governments.

No Trackers or Data Leaks

All privateLINE applications have upgraded security and only operate inside our enclave, away from the internet. Source code has been modified to minimize data collection and remove trackers and data leaks.

Your Right To Privacy

A phone number is not required to use our service (unlike many secure messengers). Phone numbers are the most common way people are tracked and their data leaks.

Get Your Own privateLINE

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Privacy guarantee: We do not share your information and will contact you only as needed to provide our service

Looking to secure your communication?